Accessibility statement

PurpleLight HUB  puts in maximum effort and invests many resources to provide all its customers with equal, respectful, accessible, and professional service.

Website Accessibility: An accessible website is a website that allows people with disabilities and elderly people to browse with the same level of efficiency and enjoyment as all other users. A dedicated add-on has been installed that allows for customized and convenient browsing. The add-on appears on the upper right side of the screen and enables various options that make browsing more accessible and possible.

Ways to Contact With Us For Requests and Suggestions for Accessibility Improvements: We continue to make efforts to improve the company’s accessibility as part of our commitment to enable the entire population, including people with disabilities, to receive the most accessible service possible. If you encounter a problem or any malfunction related to accessibility, we would be happy if you would inform us, and we will make every effort to find a suitable solution and fix the problem as soon as possible.

Name: Ori Manzur


 The accessibility statement was last updated on April 09, 2023.

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