How Filling Up A Simple 4 Column Excel Sheet Can Lead Your eCommerce Business To INFINITE Growth.

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What if I tell you there is a way to create a system that will produce never-ending customers for your eCommerce business?

A way that takes existing data and invents with it, like from thin air, new customers?

A way that takes advantage, from the one side, of human behaviour, embedded deeply within us since the dawn of days. And on the other side, the complex and robust data marketing system based on 5.3 billion users worldwide?

And what if I tell you that all you need to do as an eCommerce business owner in order to create such a marvel is to fill up a simple 4-column Excel sheet?

It sounds like the newest entry from the Harry Potter saga, right?


Well, it’s not… And while many eCommerce brands invest time and effort in creating new campaigns, they fail to understand that there is a magic protocol that will make their life much easier…

But before we dive in and break down the INFINITE money-making protocol, we need to establish the common sense behind it.

So I would like to introduce to you the principle the protocol is based upon: the reciprocity principle.


Historians believe that the reciprocity principle is why trade for goods has evolved during the rise of humankind, and the impact it holds on our evolution is as significant as our ability to throw, read or believe.

The principle dates back to around 10,000 B.C. Since its adoption, humankind has changed forever.

The principle says that to get, you must give first.

In ancient times a tribe that hunted a giant beast and had leftovers gave it to a different tribe with no request in exchange. By doing so, they have gained an ally.

By giving, the tribe created a positive reputation for itself, and in time of request, the tribe received back.

You probably think to yourself, “Why the hell am I having a history lesson right now, and how does it all tie into my business” right? Well, hear me out…



Just like in ancient times, when a potential customer encounters your business online, he proceeds with caution. And thanks to the rising amount of scams and identity theft during the last years, it’s pretty understandable.

So, just like an unknown tribe, you must prove that your intentions are pure and you are an ally. But there is more to it. Creating an ally = creating a loyal customer, and studies have shown an increase of 220% – 780% in ROI after giving with no ask in return.

So, in other words, give something of value to your potential costume now, and soon when you request him to buy your product, he will do so happily.

You see, giving = receiving, and once we establish that belief, we can continue to the 1st step of the protocol – creating a QUALITY lead magnet.



A lead magnet is a gift given to your eCommerce client for no charge. The entire ideology is based on the reciprocity principle. Give for free and get the information.

While the lead magnet is an industry-standard these days, 98% of eCommerce businesses do it wrong and for the wrong reasons.

Many eCommerce businesses and marketing agencies give an invaluable gift with the lead magnet, a fact that kills the business’s reputation. After they give such an unworthy gift, they usually try remarketing that audience based on the information they receive.

The problem with this marketing tactic is that the audience doesn’t care about the brand at all. The brand’s reputation is so low in their eyes after receiving an unworthy gift that if sales are created, it wouldn’t be worth the effort.


There are 2 mistakes in this tactic:

  1. The reputation of the brand is decreasing instead of increasing.
  2. The audience was created from unhappy customers instead of happy, ready-to-buy ones.

And that is why the reciprocity principle is critical to understand in advance and directly correlates to a QUALITY lead magnet.

Ok, we established the reciprocity principle, the mistake of a bad lead magnet, and now let’s see how it all ties up to the INFINITE money-making protocol.

It all starts with a QUALITY lead magnet. In this lead magnet, you have to give a gift so valuable that the target audience will stay in awe and will immediately be emotionally connected to your product.

The value needs to be so high that for you, as an eCommerce business owner, it needs to feel painful to give such a thing, but don’t worry, in the long run, it will make you a MILLIONAIRE.

Once you give such a high-value gift, you collect the data from the QUALITY lead magnet and create a retargeting audience. The audience will see you in such a positive light, and thanks to the fact that they already had a positive experience with your brand, they will buy with no worries.

And that is not even the good part….


The secrets for INFINITE money-making protocol lie in the lookalike audience feature in Meta (Facebook) advertisement system, and for some unclear reason, no one seems to use this feature in the correct manner that will produce MILLIONS.

The Look Alike feature is the ability to find new potential customers that have IDENTICAL interests and shopping behaviour based on any lead list provided. That means that the Meta (Facebook) algorithm can search and locate customers similar to your lead list.

Now, thanks to the QUALITY lead magnet, the start of the customer journey in your marketing funnel (TOF) is a gold mine that produces a high volume of leads. Because the leads you receive from TOF are so hooked, the retargeting phase (MOF) produces more leads that easily funnel all the way to the purchasing phase (BOF).

And the more quality leads converting (purchasing), the more data you, as an eCommerce business owner, have on your customers’ interest and shopping behaviour.

Now all you have to do is fill out your 4-column Excel sheet (first name, last name, email, phone number) and complete your INFINITE money-making protocol via a never-ending LookAlike target audience!

For more information:

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Schedule >> FREE,  no strings attached 15 min discovery call.

And understand how this protocol can be applied to YOUR eCommerce brand store!

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